
Contoh Undangan Pernikahan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris

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Contoh-contoh undangan pernikahan dalam bahasa inggris

Undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris simple

The honour of your presence is requested
at the marriage of

Auntum Ella Hanfer
Christian Jack Joe Dowell

On Saturday, the second of June
Two thousand and eighteen
At four o'clock in the afternoon

Holy family chruch

2509 Nogales Street
Corpus Christi, Texas

Undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris singkat

Together with our parents
Jerry and Cindy Swenson
Kyle and Sandra Grunig

Pamila Olivia
Brandon Curtis

Invite you to share in the joy
of the beginning of our new life together
When we exchange marriage vows
on Saturday, the fifth of December
Two thousand and fifteen
at four o'clock in the afternoon

John the baptist church
349 Wilde Road
Mankato, Minnesota

Undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris bagus

L + B

And we shall become one
To share all the days of our lives . . .
Debbie and Franklin Barrow
Request the honour of your presence
At the marriage of their daughter

Leah Marie Barrow
Benjamin Frey Bellman

On Saturday, the third of September
Two thousand and fifteen
at two o'clock in the afternoon

Aspen Meadows Resort
845 Meadows Road
Aspen, Colorado

Undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris formal

A + A

With thanks for
God's bountiful blessings

Amantha Alexis Jackson
Debastian Zachary Harrington

Request the honour of your presence
as they exchange vows of marriage

on Saturday, the fourteenth of July
Two thousand and eighteen
at four o'clock in the afternoon

Union Primitive Baptist Church
222 Country Road 901
Mexia, Texas
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